Thirty Four years ago the Industrial Design firm of ProductLogic was founded.

“As the doors close, I want to thank everyone who has been on this journey with me. Your friendships, collaborations and referrals allowed ProductLogic to thrive for 34 years.”

Products ranging from golf aids to cutting-edge medical devices came through our doors, championed by clients who recognized the value of innovation, user-centered design and the advancement of technology.

When I left my humble beginnings as an infant gear designer at Fisher Price to start this firm, I quickly discovered an abundance of support and opportunity in Buffalo. I came here as a college grad, and because of the entrepreneurial and educational communities in Buffalo, I am proud to call it my home.

A final thanks is due to the talented team at the Tresca Group for their partnership this past year.

I look forward to continuing my career in Buffalo’s startup community as a co-founder at the Big Daddy Garden Company, but some R&R is in the plan as well!