Consumer Products

Medical Products

Commercial Products

Our diverse array of clients, industries and experience benefits our customers. We have become fluent in many different technologies, building a range of expertise that we draw from and apply to every project. Our portfolio ranges from marketing illustrations and proof-of-concept prototypes, to fully functional CAD models and commercialized products.

Whether low-tech or high-tech, our industrial design and engineering experience brings with it broad expertise, resulting in innovative features and cost-effective solutions. Explore our Consumer Product design examples, our Medical Product solutions and our Commercial Product development in more detail, and give us a call!

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like.

Design is how it works.”

–Steve Jobs

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As your innovation partner, we want to help you push the boundaries of your market and industry by solving problems and in return, finding new opportunities.

Give us a call (716.882.5590) or complete the form below. We would be happy to speak with you.

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ProductLogic LLC
Business & Entrepreneur Partnerships
701 Ellicott St.
Buffalo NY 14203